Eine neue Version von auf dem FCE Ultra basierenden NES-Emulator FCEUXD SP ist freigegeben worden.
bug: fix fcm conversion, recording, and playback of reset and power commands
bug: prevent excessively long movie filenames
bug: SF [ 2085437 ] should fix issues with missing author field in fcm convert crashing fceux
bug: fix savestate recovery code...
Headoverheels hat eine neue Version des Multi Arcade Emulators Final Burn Alpha freigegeben für den GP2x.
o Replaced MAME's Z80 core with CZ80 core. Games like Mazinger Z and Metamoqester are faster.
o Little optimizations in the generic tiles renderer
o Disabled kernel read ahead cache
o New supported games:
. * Cave:
- - - Power Instinct 2 (pwrinst2,...
Im neuesten Source-Update von MAME gibt es folgende Änderungen:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00228: [Graphics] sgladiat: Emulation is missing some enemy sprites
that are present on the pcb. (Nicola Salmoria)
- 02147: [Interface] Annoying behaviour of highlighted entries in
minimal UI (Aaron Giles)
- 02159: [Cra...
Turbo Engine 16 ist ein PC Engine Emulator für Windows. Die Neuerungen sind:
* Various fixes to the CPU core and some timing changes. Thanks to Exophase
for posting comments on the emutalk boards. Fixes the following games:
- Cyber Core
- Download
- Final Soldier
- Blodia
- Body Conquest II
- Idol Hanafuda Fan Club
- Jackie Chan
- Jacki...
Picodrive emuliert Sega Genesis/MegaDrive und SegaCD auf dem GP2X. Folgende Änderungen wurden vorgenommen:
- Improved bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, it should no longer complain about missing lame.exe even if it's in working dir.
- Fixed a regression from 1.50, which caused slowdowns in Final Fight.
- Fixed some regressions from 1.50 related to sprite limit and palette...
Final Burn Alpha v0.2.96.85 um 14:22:05 von kallez
Final Burn Alpha ist ein Arcade Emulator für CPS1/2, Sega System 16/18 und NeoGeo Systeme. Hier die Neuerungen:
* Added Mazinger Z, Metamoqester, Power Instinct 2 and Power Instinct Legends to the Cave driver
* Lagged the sprite palette in all CPS-2 games - fixes issue in ssf2 attract
* Tidied up the CPS-2 split graphics rom loading
* Properly ...
Eke-Eke hat eine neue Version des PC Engine / Turbo GraphX Emulator für den Nintendo Gamecube freigegeben. Hu-Go! wurde von dem gleichnamigen PC-Emulator portiert. Die letzten Änderungen sind unten aufgeführt!
- added Wii mode support (including front SD rom loading with LFN, TP reload, ...)
- added 4.7GB DVD support for chip-modded WII (GC mode only)
- removed MP...
Regen ist ein MegaDrive Emulator der das Plugin von blarrg's Genesis NTSC plugin verwendet. Die normalen Kega Plugins können aber auch verwendet werden.
* Implemented the highly requested "SuperHQ" option in sound settings. Enabling this will result in highly accurate sound and very close to real thing.
But it will also slow down emulation so you must have a fast enou...
Der NES Emulator hat im aktuellen Release folgende Neuerungen:
*Now it's possible to select/copy text in replay window.
*Memory viewer doesn't blink a lot, doesn't use 100% CPU power and its update speed is configurable.
*"High" update speed setting for Memory tools doesn't use 100% CPU power anymore. "Turbo is unstable" and related problems should be really gone...
Regen ist ein MegaDrive Emulator der das Plugin von blarrg's Genesis NTSC plugin verwendet. Die normalen Kega Plugins können aber auch verwendet werden.
* Implemented the highly requested "SuperHQ" option in sound settings. Enabling this will result in highly accurate sound and very close to real thing.
But it will also slow down emulation so you must have a fast en...
NeoRaine v1.1.1 & Raine v0.50.9 um 02:04:51 von kallez
Der Arcade Emulator Raine & NeoRaine mit neocd support haben in der aktuellen Version diese Neurungen:
raine (0.50.9) * Quite a few fixes while debuging neoraine : inputs, normal blits, scanlines, pixel double, and a few others... See neoraine 1.1.1 changelog for version 1.1.1
Snes9x v1.43 Improvement 11 Beta 20 / RC4 um 07:04:35 von kallez
Snes9x Improvement ist ein auf SNES9x basierender SNES Emulator für Windows.
Newest changes in 1.43+ v11:
Changes come from official 1.51 (emulation related):
* Changed to use pseudo-hi-res if $2133&8 is simply set.
It fixes water transparency issue of Kirby's Dream Land 3.
Hope this change won't cause any movie desyncs.
* Now uses NEW_COLOUR_...
Snes9x v1.43 Improvement 11 Beta 18 / RC2 um 07:20:43 von kallez
Snes9x Improvement ist ein auf SNES9x basierender SNES Emulator für Windows.
Changes come from official 1.51 (emulation related):
* Changed to use pseudo-hi-res if $2133&8 is simply set.
It fixes water transparency issue of Kirby's Dream Land 3.
Hope this change won't cause any movie desyncs.
* Modified snapshot, but it's still compatible each other (r...
Speccy ist ein Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16kB, 48kB, und 128kB ,Spectrum +2, +2A, und +3 ,Timex Sinclair TC2048 und TS2068 Emulator für Windows.
* Created Speccy-Unix port, currently available in binary form for Ubuntu Linux.
* Extended Speccy-Symbian port to support UIQ3 phones from Sony Ericsson and Motorola. As I only have a key-operated Motorola Z8, testers wit...
Snes9x v1.43 Improvement 11 Beta 17 um 22:20:51 von kallez
Snes9x Improvement ist ein auf SNES9x basierender SNES Emulator für Windows.
Changes come from official 1.51 (emulation related):
* Changed to use pseudo-hi-res if $2133&8 is simply set.
It fixes water transparency issue of Kirby's Dream Land 3.
Hope this change won't cause any movie desyncs.
* Modified snapshot, but it's still compatible each other (remov...