iphonenes ist ein NES emulator für iPhones. DIe Neuerungen sind:
# 0.21 nervegas Added support for external audio / switch added for earbuds
# 0.22 stepwhite Added diagonal direction hotspots, SHOW_HITSPOT flags
# 0.23 nervegas Tweaks to orientation change, DEBUG shows hot spots now
# 0.24 nervegas Using K6502_rw.h from older core, Metroid and Punchout work! M...
# 0.09 nervegas Preliminary sound support (see notes)
# 0.10 nervegas Fixed crashing when returning to file list
# 0.11 nervegas Improved sound quality, both earbuds work now, buffering+
# 0.12 nervegas Enlarged controllers, improved hot spot locations
# 0.13 nergegas Expanded on multitouch control - (see n...